The Club (baseball reality show)
The Club is a baseball reality TV show broadcast on the MLB Network. In 2010, its first season, the show focuses on the Chicago White Sox. While many White Sox leaders appear on the show, general manager Kenny Williams and manager Ozzie Guillen appear most frequently.[1]
Formerly the Sioux City Cornhuskers, St. Paul Saints, and the White Stockings • Based in Chicago, Illinois
The Franchise |
Ballparks |
Culture |
Lore |
Rivalries |
Retired Numbers |
Key Personnel |
World Series
Championships (3) |
American League
Championships (6) |
Division Championships (5) |
Minor League
Affiliates |
Other Assets |
Seasons (111)
1900s |
1910s |
1920s |
1930s |
1940s |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
2000s |
2010s |
Studio hosts |
Studio analysts |
Reporters |
Baseball insiders |
Programming |
Radio |